
A Quiet Sunday of Craft Beer in Novi Sad

The epic trek up Fruska Gora mountain, and the bacchanalia of the homebrewer’s Beer Marathon, was finished.  This would be a quiet Sunday of craft beer in Novi Sad.

Well, it was meant to be a lazy Sunday, but I have a way of avoiding lazy.  Even in Novi Sad, the Serbian city with a reputation for being laidback.

One day of heavy drinking requires one day of heavy eating.  Toster Bar, centrally located in one of Novi Sad’s many pleasant courtyards, is a great spot for a hangover-killing burger with french fries.  They have a tasty menu of American-style hamburgers, featuring a rotating daily special.  Yet I was eating there to try their craft taps and bottles.  It is still not common in Serbia to find a nice restaurant that also has a full craft beer selection.

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