Belgrade Beer Festival 2019: 10 Years Later

The beer scene in Serbia has changed a lot in 10 years. Serbia’s largest beer festival, the Belgrade Beer Festival 2019, looks nothing like it did on my first visit in 2010.

Then, at Belgrade Beer Festival 2010, there were just a dozen breweries at the festival, and only one of them could count as craft (it no longer exists.) In 2019 however, besides the industrial beer producers, there were 17 different craft breweries, and each brewery offered at least three different styles. An entire section of the festival, Craft Land, was dedicated to only Serbian craft beer.

Although the beer scene has changed a lot in 10 years, the music scene has not. Several of the bands I had seen in 2010 were playing again this year. Some had been playing at every Belgrade Beer Festival since the first one almost 20 years ago. Old habits die hard.

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